Tuesday, February 8

ubik.s going to Burning Man

Reportedly, there's a dearth of live music at Burning Man... so ubik.s working on fixing the problem. We're assembling a camp of bands and like-minded revelers to caravan down to the desert with us in August, because the gospel of variety needs to be spread, and it seems like the Burners are in desperate need of a camp that  bumps something other than dub-step.

A meeting for this illustrious project will be held at The Highline on Saturday, February 12th, at 2:00PM, so you can grab some lunch and a drink.  We'll all hunker down and work out the whos, hows, whys, and wherefores of the caravan and the camp: we need bands to come and friends to participate, so come on down-- this one's going to be an adventure.

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