Tuesday, March 25

Risen after 3 days and now eating brains

That was a hell of a weekend, eh? Much love to all for coming out to see us this weekend... it was a bit of an endurance run, sandwiching in a Zombie Walk to The Octagon between two shows. We know Monday shows are rough (and this one was especially rough), but it was great to see you all at the Re-Bar on monday night when you could just as easily have been in bed.

Okay-- back to working on the EP. We've got a line on a few places to play in April (we'll keep you posted on the shows page, of course), and we're looking forward to the next gig. See you guys soon.

Thursday, March 20

Mailing list blues...

just sent out an email to the ubik.mailing.list, which we do before every show, and... well... I have to drop the disclaimer: if you've ever signed up for our mailing list, and you don't get email from ubik., we're really sorry. Most shows, people don't sign up for the mailing list until many drinks have been consumed-- sometimes, the email addresses aren't really legible (once, someone even spilled beer on the sheet, smearing a lot of the sign-ups), so every time we send out email, a number of addresses come back as Not Recognized. Anyway... if you're one of the people who signed up but never hears from ubik., we're really sorry about that. Tell us you want to be on the list, and we'll take care of it.

And... of course... show post:

Saturday, March 22
ubik. at Goofy's
w/ Only Human
& Holotype
8519 15th Ave. NW
Show at 9:00 / $Free!


Monday, March 24
ubik. at Re-bar
w/ Imperial Legions of Rome
& Greenriver Thrillers
1114 Howell St, Seattle
Show at 9:00 / $5

Saturday, March 15

Oops on the Hunab Ku

So... late breaking news on the upcoming show on the 22nd-- we just saw Hunab Ku's final show with their current guitarist at El Corazon last night (which was a really cool show: Barefoot Barnacle played after them). Because Hunab Ku requires such an odd variety of sounds from their new guitarist (and such specific and uncommon gear to get those sounds) the band isn't going to be able to make the show at Goofy's next saturday. The new poster up at Only Human's page lists the lineup as them, us, and Holotype... and we hope to have a little more info on Holotype pretty soon.

Friday, March 14


Check out our ubik.bot-- you can print and construct your own robot from the template provided here:


... it prints bigger if you print it in Landscape (as opposed to Portrait), and you should be able to print it directly from your browser.

You should definitely bring one of these guys to one of our shows next week (remember the shows... you want to come to the shows...)

Thursday, March 13


Well, our studio time was a partial bust, but: we have turned out a couple decent recordings and put them up on the site. ubik. has uploaded recordings of Seven Feet Under and External Retraction... so this ought to hold everyone over until we get a proper CD recorded. So-- hooray for having new material up

and don't forget, we have shows coming up on Saturday the 22nd and Monday the 24th.

Monday, March 3

the pros and cons of using Party as a verb

ubik's up at a Ballard house party this friday (March 7th), so this is another good one for anyone who can't make it to our shows in the bars and clubs we usually play. We've got a good lineup, and ubik. loves playing house parties-- the crowds are always excellent at the parties we've played, so we're excited about this one.

House Party!
w/ Year Of The Serpent,
& The Ever Changing Sky

The full listing is on our shows page.