Friday, January 30

Hello Portland!

While overplaying has presented a few drawbacks and led to us playing fewer shows, fewer shows have led to BIG GAPS in posts... which is its own problem. We are making the most of our time: ubik. now has patches, we're finalizing our T-shirt design (shirts soon, folks), and we're locking down our first ever cover song. So: time well spent.

But not to detract from the present: we're playing Portland this weekend, and however many Portland people we have really ought to attend, as we don't get down there very often. Or, ever. Seriously, this is our first trip.

So this is a repost of our show post... now with fliers.

January 30th
ubik. @ Slim's
w/ Mongoloid Village,
& Exit Collapse,
& Brown (of Tecumseh)
8:00 - 21+ - Free!

January 31st
ubik. @ The Know
w/ Order Of The Gash,
& 57 Octaves Below
7:00 - 21+ - $3

Tuesday, January 6

Taking a weekend in Portland

Well, taking the zombies downtown for New Years Eve was a lot of fun-- lots of love to everyone who turned pasty and bleeding and took up the moaning hoard of a marching band through Seattle. Definitely one of our better celebrations.

next up, we're heading south. We're booked in Portland for Friday the 30th and Saturday the 31st (you know, making the most of our travel time). This is our first Portland trip, so any support our southern people can send our way would be awesome.

Here are the listings:

January 30th
ubik. @ Slim's
w/ Mongoloid Village,
& Exit Collapse,
& Brown (of Tecumseh)
8:00 - 21+ - Free!

January 31st
ubik. @ The Know
w/ Order Of The Gash
8:00 - 21+ - $TBA