Friday, May 30

Saturday Night in Everett

Tomorrow is looking like your special day for northbound fun-- face it, you just don't make it up to Everett as much as you should. And if that's not convincing enough for you (why wouldn't it be?), ubik.ll be playing a show up in the Green Room at Jimmy Z's with The Keeper and The Ever Changing sky... which makes the show post look something like this:

ubik. @ Jimmy Z's
w/ The Ever Changing Sky
& The Keeper
1712 Hewitt Ave,
Everett, WA 98201
8:30 / Cost: $7

Remember: ubik.s in the Green Room, so enter the venue at the Green Room door, or you'll end up paying for the bands on the other stage.

Saturday, May 24

moons, Z's, mutants, and mixing

thanks to everyone out at the Blue Moon last night-- fun show all around, and we're always pleased when we can include the visuals (thanks to Heidi for loaning us her projector... the shows are always better with the projector running).

We're driving up to Everett next saturday (the 31st) to play The Green Room at Jimmy Z's, and we're driving down to the Autonomous Mutant Festival (in the Cascadia region... better directions are forthcoming) next month, as well as another Monkey Pub gig on the books for July (though ubik. strongly recommends you head down there daily, as the Monkey's just added a kickass white ale to their drafts, more Melvins and Ween to the jukebox, and still has the some of the cheapest PBR and Oly in town.

It's fair to say the mixing is half done for the ubik. EP-- three songs down and moving forward. Music will soon be musicing with the music on CD.

Tuesday, May 20

Friday night fun (no money down!)

It's another ubik-tastic friday, with everything that goes along with ubiktastic fridayness. We're playing at the Blue Moon, so it's a free show (the Blue Moon never charges at the door), and we're up with Red Rapture and Forefathers, and you're all going out this weekend since spring finally sprang, so you may as well come see a show.

The show post looks like this:

ubik. @ the Blue Moon
712 NE 45th St
Seattle WA 98105
w/ Red Rapture
& Forefathers
Free! / Doors at 8:30

Tuesday, May 13

ubik. at

check this out-- ubik is currently the #2 band sitewide on, which has grown and streamlined itself impressively, even in the short time we've known them (the new music players look great). ubik has no idea how these rankings are derived (we don't receive crazy amounts of plays or page visits on our cyqo page), but it is very cool that they're listing us at the top of the heap.

CYQO's been really good to us since signing up-- they really like ubik, and the community is live and supportive... which is a really rare thing. They put us on their podcast a couple weeks ago, and one of the site owners has been on us to provide new material because he's really digging what we've got uploaded so far. We'll be able to accommodate them soon...

Monday, May 12

mailing list

a pretty keen utility being offered at ReverbNation, this mailing list tool is looking like a much better way of keeping track of the ever-growing ubik.mailing.list. We've got this little guy on our home page, as well...


the mailing list, of course, is the best way to keep up with ubik-- all of our shows and upcoming events are all more reliably communicated via the mailinglist than any other source (i.e, myspace), so there it is: do the thing with the stuff.

Saturday, May 10

The Mix Has Begun

ubik.s studio time is at an end: the tracks are in the can, laid down and called done. We've just broken ground on the mix. Faders have been pushed, pan pots have been turned (though we still have yet to get treasured Motley Crue drum sound. More reverb!) so the mix is underway.

This has been a long ride, so far, and there's still work to be done, but this CD will be appearing on our merch table soon.

Stay tuned.

Saturday, May 3

so monday, so metal

no one can really guarantee a good turnout on a Monday, so we have to send tons of thanks to everyone who came out to see us at The Central-- that was a big, supportive crowd, and we love you guys for it. We had a good lineup with Mokshya headlining and Year of the Serpent filling that TBA slot (on super-short notice, too), both of whom are much more Monday Metal Madness than ubik...

we had a good show, which marks the first time ubik. actually raised the dead-- we've never had a zombie at a show before, so this was kind of a first for us.

In other news: we are just about done taping, and the mixing starts soon... probably tomorrow. There will be an EP. And soon.