Wednesday, December 22

Christmas Show!

Not to blow your minds, but... Christmas is boring!  Even if you've got family in town (and Seattle is a city full of expatriates), most Christmas festivities are done by 4:00, presents are open, there's wrapping paper on the floor, food's been eaten, and there's nothing left to do for the rest of the day: everything's closed.  Even the 24-hour grocery stores are closed on Christmas.

Well, we're fighting the good fight-- there's actually something going on this Christmas.

Saturday, December 25
802 NW 49th
Seattle WA
7 Year Old Blind Girl

Yup, music starts and ends earlier than normal because it's a house party, and neighbors tend to get cranky when really loud things happen late into Christmas night.

Monday, December 6

Sunday: Music and Movies at the Highline

For all the Seattlites that didn't get to see the show with ubik. and Absence of Light down in Portland, we have good news for you: we're bringing Absence of Light up here.

Sunday is movie night at the Highline, the awesome vegan restaurant on Broadway, so we're bringing bands for sound and silent films for visuals. This one's on the books for Sunday, December 12th. We've had some last minute shake-ups, and we're going to bring in another band to cover a cancellation, but for right now, we have Absence of Light, ubik., and The Bell Witch (which features members of Lethe).

We'll keep you posted when we finalize the line-up, but you should definitely come to the Highline on the 12th.