Friday, October 24

Saturday Show, updates and directions

So, about the show on Saturday: The Greenhouse said we should advertise the show, so we've got a map. It's a DIY house party show, so chances are, not everyone knows how to get there...

and, we've got the updated show post:

October 25th
ubik. @ The Greenhouse Halloween Party
w/ Sod Hauler,
& Anon Remora,
& Brothers of the Sonic Cloth
8:00 - ALL AGES - Suggested $3 donation

Thursday, October 23

Greenhouse lineup change

Unfortunately due to circumstances beyond anyone's control, Lesbian had to cancel their headlining spot at the Greenhouse Halloween show as well as some of their upcoming tour. So Sod Hauler will be taking over. Don't worry, this is still going to be a great show. Don't be late because we're playing first!

Thursday, October 16

busy week ahead

we're pretty excited about our show next saturday-- we're playing at the Greenhouse (an awesome house known for great house party shows) with amazing bands: the amazing, dirgy Lesbian, and Tad Doyle's new epic outing, Brothers of the Sonic Cloth. This has been a big star on our calander for a while, and the we've got posted like this:

October 25th
ubik. @ The Greenhouse Halloween Party
w/ Lesbian,
Anon Remora,
& Brothers of the Sonic Cloth
8:00 - ALL AGES - $3 suggested donation

and then we got a call-- a band dropped out of an opening position on the Creature Feature show down at Studio 7. That makes this one kind of a wierd bill for us to be playing, and kind of a short notice listing, too... but that's one of the cool things about this show: it's very different from what we usually do.

October 23rd
ubik. @ Studio Seven
w/ Creature Feature,
Black Houses,
& Girl On Fire
7:00 - ALL AGES/BAR W/ID - $10 Adv./$12 DOS

Thursday, October 9

#20 in the Monkey Pub jukebox!

We're happy to announce that we are now in the best jukebox in Seattle! So next time you're having a drink at the Monkey, put on some Melvins, Killing Joke, Skinny Puppy, Toadies, Pixies, Ween, and oh yeah, us!

Thanks Anthony!

5303 Roosevelt Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105

Oh, by the way, keep in mind that the last song ends with over 3 minutes of cymbal squealing. The choice is up to you. ;)

Monday, October 6

ubik. needs a place to live

after a successful voyage to Everett and back again, ubik.s back to work fleshing out new material and, with any luck, we'll be back in the studio doing some work on getting a split 10" done (it'd be cool to have vinyl)

Besides that, we were supposed to be out of our old practice space September 1st... but we just don't have a new place to play yet. If anyone's got a line on a practice space, let us know. We're in need. Seriously.

Last, we've got a show coming up on the 25th, which is going to be awesome.

back to everett

Everett tends to see us as a pretty strange band... but so be it: the crowd is always pretty responsive, and we make an impression. Friday's show went remarkably well, even if we were the only one of three bands to play a real set. It was actually sort of gratifying; we filled about an hour because of the other two bands' complications (departing members, singers too sick to sing), and could have filled more if we had to. Being the "Girls Rock" showcase, it was undoubtedly the place to play Let's Hunt and Kill Gwen Stefani.

Anyway, it looks like we're going to play fewer shows-- three weekends in a row to empty floors and/or blank faces can get a touch depressing, and, honestly, it does us very little good. On one hand: a friend mentioned her band stripped their schedule down to playing one show every three months, and at the shows they did play, attendance skyrocketed. This point is made more clear by several people who like us saying "You're playing in 2 weeks right? I'll just catch you next time."

On the other hand, if the show is packed full of people who already dig us, then we have missed out on every opportunity to play a little show where we impress one or two people who had never heard us before.

The happy medium, which is what we're probably going to be doing, is to cherry pick: only take the really good shows, play a little more sparsely (twice a month, maximum). The real trick would be to begin opening for bands more popular than ours, and exposing this music to people who didn't know about us-- by no means is it a bad thing for us to play shows for our fans and friends, but "headlining" when you're as underground as we are... well, it has its limits.