Sunday, April 26

Post Monkey-- we're at the Funhouse on Wednesday

Though there are few things as riotous and just plain fun as a Monkey Pub show, we're topping off yesterday with an upcoming gig at the Funhouse. This one's a party being thrown by the Dead Baby Bike crew, so it will probably get pretty crazy.

Wednesday, April 29
ubik. @ The Funhouse
w/ Skwish,
& Fairies Wear Boots (Black Sabbath cover band)
9:30 - $3 - 21+

Tuesday, April 21

Saturday Show at the Monkey

ubik's up this weekend at the Monkey Pub, one of our favorite neighborhood haunts-- The Monkey is an excellent little place in the U-District where the drinks are cheap, and if you smoke, you can have a great time giggling at the spectacle across the street in front of Dantes. We're playing with Blicky, who are excellent (you may have seen them play with us before), and the whole thing is as much fun as a bar show can get. The show post looks like this:

Saturday, April 25
ubik. @ The Monkey Pub
w/ Blicky
9:00 - $5 - 21+

Friday, April 3

coming soon...

ubik.s usually in motion (we don't tend to do much resting) so there's plenty on our horizon-- we are about to head into the studio to get some recording done, which is pretty exciting. ubik.s planning to do a vinyl release: a split 10" with The Ever Changing Sky(who rule... we wouldn't split vinyl with just anybody). We're taping this weekend, so it'll be a little bit before mixed, mastered, and reproduced records are going to be available, but we'll keep you posted.

We will be laying down Cyclocosmia, which is the song that our patches are referencing. Patches and shirts (you know we have new shirts, right?) are available at shows, and speaking of shows...

Also, there's been a lot of booking in our world. This stuff is always available at our shows page, and this sort of thing is widgetable for quick reference.


The next one is at the Monkey on April 25th, and that's just the first of the batch.