Tuesday, January 17

Breaking in the Kraken

Saturday, January 21
ubik. @ The Kraken
w/ Terra Morta
& Pantheon
& Onset the Shores
$5 - 9:00 PM
If the Weather Channel is to be believed, the snow that's freaking all of Seattle out (at the moment) will be gone by Saturday, so it'll be clear sailing to the show-- fear not.  With that out of the way, this is our first show at the Kraken Bar & Lounge, and you'll have no problem finding it, because it's in exactly the same spot as the Galway Arms.  Pantheon is coming up from Eugene: if they can make it, so can you.

And, even better, not only will we have copies of the new record at the show, but we have shirts again: two designs (one you've seen before and one you haven't) in a variety of sizes and colors.  The discs are $10, the shirts are $15.

Friday, January 13

Spring tour and mobile accessibility

It's been all quiet on the ubik.front for a little bit, but with good reason:

First, we're on a bit of a break because, with the new record out, we're not content to rest on our laurels, so we're taking a little time to work out new material.  Not so much of a break that would prevent us from playing the Kraken (formerly The Galway) on the 21st... more on that when we have a poster.

Second, ubik.s booking a tour that will kick off in April, and we're even leaving the safety of the I-5 corridor this time.  Not only will we pop up in the Bay Area, Sacramento, and Portland, but we're heading over to Spokane, Missoula, Boise, and Salt Lake City.  Again: more info when we solidify everything, but we'll be visiting many of our non-Seattle people soon.

Finally, we just launched a mobile app... which isn't earth-shattering, but it's pretty cool for streaming ubik.sounds to your smartphone, and it offers up our mobile facebook and our news feed.  Mostly, though, it plays music.