Thursday, November 8

Genre Naming Contest starts now!

So... what do you guys sound like?
Aargh! The most hated question: what do you sound like. ubik has never had an answer... we aren't slavish to any genre, though we do use a few traditional genre flourishes here and there. But we're not the sort of group that can answer The Big Question with a simple "We're a punk band." (we are so very much not a punk band. or rock band, or a metal band, or...) well, you understand our problem.

So what do you call us? A few ground rules: First, we're digging for a quick descriptor, so the "genre" name is limited to five words. Second, no band references: "Rammstein combined with Soul Coughing" isn't really valid... for so many reasons. Comments are enabled on this blog, so you can reply right within this post-- the contest begins now.


Anonymous said...

Important to note:

"Post-Tom Robo Core" has already been floated as a genre, but is being discarded because it doesn't seem to actually describe anything.

Anonymous said...

digital mayhem..?

sharon said...
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sharon said...

post-flux dissonance

Ha ha what the hell does that even mean? They'll have to listen to find out. AWESOME!

[edited for the word I was actually going for]

Unknown said...

This is clearly going to take longer than we had expected...

In order for us to be post flux doesn't there at one time have to be a flux?

We may need to employ the knowledge of those metal geeks... they have a knack for quantizing genres to even specific bands if necessary. Never heard of so many names for yelling over top of a distorted power chord... And who the hell said "Digital Mayhem"!?!

sharon said...

ok Pr0to, you win.

How about,

Metal, like your FACE.

Unknown said...

In about 2 seconds its gonna be Metal up your **ahem**

Alright... so check this out. I have no problem with the genre being totally made up. I think delivering as deadpan as absolutely possible to anyone willing to ask "Post-Tom Robo-Core" and then staring blankly into their eyes as if now the asker is meant to deliver a nod of understanding is an awesome idea. I don't, however, think the rest of the band is looking for that (unless of course the total nonsense that is offered is just too good to pass up).

thunderpuppy said...

For the record: I think post-flux dissonance is pretty excellent.

Unknown said...

Last night we came up with
PsyProg-DriftCore... It hurt junya's brain.

Unknown said...

Last night we came up with
PsyProg-DriftCore... It hurt junya's brain.

sharon said...

Thanks for the backup, thunderpuppy.

I'm still rooting for it :P
