Tuesday, November 20

deep breath

ubik needs a nap... we aren't used to playing shows three weekends in a row. After a really late Sunday at the Funhouse and a rockin party at The Octagon, we just played The Blue Moon on friday, which was a pretty unique experience for us. The Blue Moon comes with its own built-in crowd, so that set was played to some unusual folks that had never seen us before.

Much thanks to everyone who made it out to see us over the last few weeks-- we're taking the next two weeks to work the kinks out of a new song, maybe get some more writing done, and show up well rested for the show at The Monkey Pub on Friday, December 1st. Any of you may have seen a random ubik member staggering blindly out of the Monkey some night around closing time: that is one of our favorite bars in the U.


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