Monday, July 22

A show for Durty

Michelle with machete
an original painting by Durty

We lost a good friend earlier this month.  Derek Atkinson-- we all knew him as Durty-- won't be kicking around local punk shows anymore, and we're all going to miss him.

Friday, July 26th
Durty...In Memoriam @ The Highline
with Sok & the Faggots,
Poop Attack!
Kids on Fire
& Wolfhammer3

6:00PM - Art show
(featuring Durty's artwork)
8:00PM - Music starts
21 and over - $8
If you missed his art show at the Josephine a while back, this one will be an art show as well-- we're putting up all his art... all we can find.

We've also assembled bands closest to him (I know we're the only non-punk band on the list, but he was with us a lot.  He'd bring friends down to ubik.practice), and there's going to be a lot of Durty in the show, too.  A lot of bands are firing up covers of some of his favorite bands-- there's a lot of GG Allin in the mix.

We thought about that... but ubik.s probably a bit more suited to one of Durty's other favorites.  But yes, we did our homework and we are playing a cover song.

Anyway: this one's for Durty.  We're raising money for the family and all of the funereal expenses that crop up, the last thing anyone wants to think about when they're grieving.

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