Tuesday, March 26

Friday Night

ubik.s been trying to set up a show with Diminished Men for years-- literally years-- so we finally found a spot where everyone's calendars lined up and we get to play this show!  Seriously: this has been a long time coming.

Friday, March 29
ubik. @ the Highline
w/ Diminished Men,
and Castle
and Spacebag

Show at 9:00 - 21+
And we have a great lineup beyond that: Castle is up from San Francisco to bring us the Heavy, and Spacebag is with us to join in the progressive psychedelia.

All told, we're up for a hell of a Friday night, so Capitol Hill awaits!

In other news: we're still dead serious about bringing live bands to Burning Man.  ubik.s going for certain, and we've got a venue to set up out in the desert (fully enclosed, with a stage and everything), but we're establishing a live music camp and we need other bands to join us.

Interested parties should contact us.

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