Tuesday, January 22


it's been a bit quiet on the ubik.front, and for good reason: we've taken January to retreat to the practice space and hammer out some new material.  With playing shows as regularly as we do (and... c'mon... we do play around town quite a bit), it means that a lot of our practices are spent preparing for the next show.  Time off lets us slack off the old songs for a while and spend a few weeks working out all of our weird riffs and ridiculous, complicated changes... and jam on comfy, catchy progressions until they evolve from jams into songs.

That's us: we play both sides of that field.  But it still takes time and work.

Don't worry, though, because we're back in February-- we've been invited to compete in Grudge Rock, the Family Feudish show that takes place the first Thursday of every month at the Re-Bar.  That sounded like a lot of fun to us... but we'd only sign on if we were playing against a band we loved, and so: ubik. and Barefoot Barnacle!

And, honestly: we played our first show with Barnacle in 2007... we couldn't have a better face off than this.

Plus-- we'll have new material!  Hooray, writing hiatus!

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