Tuesday, July 17

Big, Big Weekend

We're into the middle of July, so that can only mean one thing: Beer Metal Summer Camp! ubik.s getting out into the woods early this year, because we're all pretty stoked to be there. This is also Michelle's first year running the Beer Metal Olympics-- anyone who knows Michelle knows the Olympics are in good hands, and will obviously be better than the games in London later this month.

Saturday, July 21
ubik. @ the Rat & Raven
with Aranya, IX, and Cerebral Cortez
$5.00 - Show at 9:00 - 21+
ubik.s coming back from the woods on Saturday, though-- we've got a show at The Rat & Raven. We had a good show with Aranya down in Portland when we were on tour, and we promised to bring them up to Seattle to return the favor... and here it is.  This is a good show for anyone who wants to get on the other side of the Block Party.

And hey, anyone who wants to see ubik. but aren't at Beer Metal this year, we're splitting the bet.  Cool, no?

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