Monday, November 21

CD Release this Saturday

Well, this has been a long time coming, eh?  ubik.started laying down tracks in July of 2010, and we've been talking about the up & coming record for over a year now... and this is finally it.  The CD release show that makes the new album, A Hideous Triumph of Form and Function, available is coming up this Saturday at The Josephine.

We're bringing in Lickity from Portland, Glass Tunnels (which features members of The Ever Changing Sky), and the always-awesome 7 Year Old Blind Girl, our friends and regular line-up-mates... so it's obviously going to be a fun, lively show, and it's going to be another week before the album is available online (them's the breaks), so if you want this record now, you've got to come see us to pick up a copy.

Saturday, November 26th

ubik.s CD Release show @ The Josephine
w/ 7 Year Old Blind Girl,
& Lickity
& Glass Tunnels

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