Tuesday, July 5

Northern U - Overtaking The Ave on Saturday

Oh boy, we've been looking forward to this one-- spirits are up, the sun's out, summer's here... this sounds like the right time to go overtake the Galway.  Though most days are pretty good Galway days, this Saturday has more on offer than just their front porch and cheap beer-- we've got a hell of a show.  Not only is this a great lineup that will rock the glasses off the tables, but we've got bands the play fast and loose with the traditional definitions of what it means to be "a punk band" or "a metal band."  This one is not to be missed.

Saturday, July 9

ubik. @ The Galway Arms
w/ 7 Year Old Blind Girl
& Burning of I
& Numb
$5 - Show at 9:00

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