Wednesday, April 13

Down time is anything but

I know, I know... no ubik.shows booked.  With the upcoming release of the new record, A Hideous Triumph of Form and Function, we're feeling ambitious: it's time to dig in, keep to ourselves for a bit, and write some new songs.

This always takes work and time.  ubik.songs can veer towards the complex (not always, but it's been known to happen) and it takes time to work out all the changes and get these weird little contraptions assembled, living, and moving under their own power.

...and, hey-- so far so good.  We've been working, writing, jamming, and figuring our some new songs.  The consensus was two months, so we'll be taking April and May for this under-the-hood band stuff and pop back up in the world in June.

See you then.

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