Monday, August 16

Chop Suey on Saturday

So ubik.s been playing a lot after emerging from the studio, but this is the last one on the books for a while... also, we've been playing some lower-key, DIY style shows lately, and this next one's up in a bigger club, so it's going to be a much different show than the last couple.  We're on board for Witchburn's CD release show this saturday at the Chop Suey-- this'll be a large one.  There are even tickets on sale (that's not a usual thing for us).

Saturday, August 21
Witchburn's CD Release @ The Chop Suey
w/ ubik.
Stone Axe
$8.00 - 8:00pm - 21+

Tuesday, August 10

Overtaking Ballard this saturday

It is time once again to descend upon the Josephine, Ballard's DIY venue (over by the Tin Hat), which is a neat, low-key space with... er... slightly fewer rules than your more standard venues.  We've got a good line-up for this one (ubik.s wanted to play with Goly Gim again ever since our first time with them), so here's all the relevant info for this one:

Saturday, August 14th
ubik. @ The Josephine
w/ Goly Grim
Carrion Cathartid
$5 - 21+