Friday, December 18

Michelle's Birthday-- House show tomorrow!

ubik.s playing a house party for Michelle's birthday in Northgate tomorrow. We've always loved playing house parties, and this one's sort of for us (we've been waiting for Michelle to turn 13 for a while now. It's very exciting)

December 19
ubik. @ The 526 Trashcan House
w/ 7 Year Old Blind Girl
& Shadow of the Torturer
& Churchburner
8:00 - Free!

Tuesday, December 8

ubik.s back. everybody dance!

RESCHEDULED... (we're back on)

this has officially been ubik.s longest break-- we haven't played a Seattle show since our tour kickoff. We know you all missed us, but we're about to set the world to rights: we've got a new home base, we're working on new material, and we're playing a new show.

Damn skippy: this is a show post.

Sunday, December 13
at The Comet
w/ He Whose Ox Is Gored
Dirty Sidewalks
Into The Storm
8:00 - $5 - 21+