December 19
ubik. @ The 526 Trashcan House
w/ 7 Year Old Blind Girl
& Shadow of the Torturer
& Churchburner
8:00 - Free!
Friday, December 18
Michelle's Birthday-- House show tomorrow!
ubik.s playing a house party for Michelle's birthday in Northgate tomorrow. We've always loved playing house parties, and this one's sort of for us (we've been waiting for Michelle to turn 13 for a while now. It's very exciting)
Tuesday, December 8
ubik.s back. everybody dance!
RESCHEDULED... (we're back on)
this has officially been ubik.s longest break-- we haven't played a Seattle show since our tour kickoff. We know you all missed us, but we're about to set the world to rights: we've got a new home base, we're working on new material, and we're playing a new show.
Damn skippy: this is a show post.
Sunday, December 13
ubik. at The Comet
w/ He Whose Ox Is Gored
Dirty Sidewalks
Into The Storm
8:00 - $5 - 21+
Friday, September 25
Back in Seattle
Ha! Made it!
ubik.s taken our first run down the west coast, and the band members, Joe (who did merch for us the entire time), and Bruno (the 1977 Dodge van, pulling a trailer full of gear) all made it there and back again in one piece. We'll go farther and longer next time (the first run made sure that we could do this without the van bursting into flames), but so far, so good.
Back in Seattle, ubik.s taking a little break: something we've never done before. We've put off playing shows to write and record, but the band has never actually had time off: it's been twice a week (plus shows) for a few years now. We'll be back out in the world in November.
Thanks to everyone who came out to all of our shows on the road: we had some excellent shows while we were out, played some fun places, and saw some great bands. Though things can turn out less than stellar, and a band can find itself playing a sports bar in Redding, CA, the grand whole of the tour was a great success, and we'll keep everyone posted about when we're heading out again.
We've got to throw some extra thanks to all of the kind, generous, and selfless people that really helped us along-- people who gave us space crash or couchsurf, fed us, bought us beer, and even made us breakfast, and all of the bands who waived their cut of the night's money to ubik. to keep gas in the van... these are people that really improve our view of the world. They make everything better.
Thanks again to everyone who helped us out, everyone who came to the shows, and finally to Joe: Joe came along with us, lived in a van for two weeks, and manned our merch table for no reward other than to just go out on tour with us (Joe was also a balancing presence in the mix, and probably contributed to us all surviving).
You'll be hearing from us soon, but right now, ubik.s on break.
ubik.s taken our first run down the west coast, and the band members, Joe (who did merch for us the entire time), and Bruno (the 1977 Dodge van, pulling a trailer full of gear) all made it there and back again in one piece. We'll go farther and longer next time (the first run made sure that we could do this without the van bursting into flames), but so far, so good.
Back in Seattle, ubik.s taking a little break: something we've never done before. We've put off playing shows to write and record, but the band has never actually had time off: it's been twice a week (plus shows) for a few years now. We'll be back out in the world in November.
Thanks to everyone who came out to all of our shows on the road: we had some excellent shows while we were out, played some fun places, and saw some great bands. Though things can turn out less than stellar, and a band can find itself playing a sports bar in Redding, CA, the grand whole of the tour was a great success, and we'll keep everyone posted about when we're heading out again.
We've got to throw some extra thanks to all of the kind, generous, and selfless people that really helped us along-- people who gave us space crash or couchsurf, fed us, bought us beer, and even made us breakfast, and all of the bands who waived their cut of the night's money to ubik. to keep gas in the van... these are people that really improve our view of the world. They make everything better.
Thanks again to everyone who helped us out, everyone who came to the shows, and finally to Joe: Joe came along with us, lived in a van for two weeks, and manned our merch table for no reward other than to just go out on tour with us (Joe was also a balancing presence in the mix, and probably contributed to us all surviving).
You'll be hearing from us soon, but right now, ubik.s on break.
Sunday, September 13
On Tour Now!
Tuesday, September 8
We're heading out-- come see us off on Friday.
Friday night is ubik.s farewell show, as we head out on tour. The kickoff show is at the Joesphine with The Ever Changing Sky, and after that we head south. So we've got this show:
And from there... we're on our way, so we hope to see everyone in Portland, Eugene, Sacramento, Stockton, San Fransisco, and Oakland (come on out, all). We'll post the big tour schedule/map to keep everyone current

Friday, September 11
Tour Kickoff @ the Josephine
w/ The Ever Changing Sky
More Bells, Then Whistles
Armed With Legs
9:00 - All Ages!
And from there... we're on our way, so we hope to see everyone in Portland, Eugene, Sacramento, Stockton, San Fransisco, and Oakland (come on out, all). We'll post the big tour schedule/map to keep everyone current
(though, if you're reading this in Facebook, you've got to click View Original Post to see the tour schedule)
Tuesday, August 25
Big show this friday
This is a big one: we've got a slot opening for Jucifer this Friday, which is a hell of a bill to be on. Not only do we have the famously loud (and altogether huge-sounding) headliner, but some of the best Seattle bands around are also on the bill with us.
Friday, August 28
Jucifer @ El Corazon
w/ Lesbian
& Plaster
& ubik.
& Sod Hauler
8:00 - $10/Adv. $12/DOS - 21+
Buy Tickets
This is our last show before we kick off our September tour, so you should definitely come se the show on friday: it's a great lineup, and we want to make the show a raging success. Because it's a bigger show, it's a Tickets at Ticketswest kind of deal... but that's the way these things work.
Saturday, July 25
Coming in August
First thing's first: ubik.s playing a Subcultural Awakening benefit show on Saturday, August 1st. These have been held on the first saturday of every month throughout the summer, and we're playing the last of the lot (summer, we hardly knew ya)... so it's us, The Abadox, Fortress Of Victory, and Barefoot Barnacle. These shows always go down at The Josephine, which is an all ages, DIY venue, and when the shows are done, Subcultural will be releasing a compilation CD of all the participating bands.
Then, on the 14th, we're playing another DIY show The FBK House down in Georgetown, this time with Requin (and most likely a third band... we're working on that). FBK shows start late-- music is at 11:00-- but this one's a house party and there's no charge at the door.
At the end of the month, we're playing with Jucifer at El Corazon... and that's a pretty big deal for us: it's a Friday night at a bigger club with a touring band (we don't get to do that much). Sod Hauler and Plaster are on this bill with us (along with one other band, as yet unnamed), and because it's a bigger show, there are tickets on sale at Ticketswest.
Finally, the tour is getting booked, so we're setting up to hit the road and visit everyone south of Seattle (there's people down there, right?) We've got a show schedule that will keep current as we add more dates:
Tuesday, June 30
changing times
Maybe it's a little unofficial, but ubik.s playing at the Manifesto Hotshop on Friday night. This glass studio has been Michelle's home for a while now, and, though it's closing down, it's going out with a bang... the party should be pretty outrageous. It's not a show, and it's not a venue, but it's okay if we invite friends, and that includes all of you, right?
Similarly, we're coming up on the first Saturday of the month, and that means there's another Subcultural Awakening show at the Josephine. These shows are always all-ages, and they're benefit shows for the first Subcultural Awakening comp, a multi-band CD of largely unheralded Seattle music... because there's more to this town than just indie-pop.
Similarly, we're coming up on the first Saturday of the month, and that means there's another Subcultural Awakening show at the Josephine. These shows are always all-ages, and they're benefit shows for the first Subcultural Awakening comp, a multi-band CD of largely unheralded Seattle music... because there's more to this town than just indie-pop.
Sunday, June 14
big, big atmosphere: coming this friday
Friday, June 19
ubik. @ The Rendezvous
w/ Same-Sex Dictator
& Anon Remora
10:00 - $5 - 21+
Rendezvous shows usually start kind of late, so the show's at 10:00, and ubik. is the opening band... mostly because these shows feel their best when they get heavier as they go on. This bill is extremely interesting because all three bands have a lot of spaciousness and atmosphere built in, but there's also plenty of crushingly heavy density in there as well. This is a really cool line up, and a great show to be a part of.
Saturday, May 23
Sunday at the Bit
Okay, so the upcoming show was sent out on our mailing list and on the ole' myspace... what else? Oh, yeah: there's a show tomorrow and there's no show post. Let's fix that.
May 24Fixed.
ubik. @ The Bit Saloon
w/ Sod Hauler,
& Sindios
8:00 - $5 - 21+
We're pretty excited about this one: it's a Sunday, but everyone has Monday off (yay!), and we get to play with Sindios and Sod Hauler... who are awesome.
bit saloon,
sod hauler,
Sunday, May 10
so, the Josephine's kind of an odd venue, eh? Last night's show turned out to be a lot of fun (and fairly foggy), but we're moving forward. ubik.s got a tour coming up in September, where we will bomb down I-5 as fast as the big blue van will carry us, crashing into venues as we go. We're also finishing up a recording of Cyclocosmia, which is going to be released on a 10" vinyl spit with The Ever Changing Sky... because that band and that medium both rule.
(though it will probably be streamed as an mp3 once we're done, too, so all the vinyl-haters will get to hear it. It'll be on the new album, too, when we get a new album out)
That, and Michelle's currently booking Subcultural Awakening benefit shows, which also happen at the Josephine, on the first Saturday of every month. These shows are highlighting the Seattle underground... the kinds of bands that don't get massive hype in the normal channels, mostly because they don't sound like everything else. The Subcultural Awakening shows are benefits-- the bands play for free-- and the proceeds are split between paying for the venue and putting out a Subcultural Awakening comp, which will be released in the fall. ubik.s going to be on there, too: we're playing the last show of the season, August 1st.
Before then, we've got a show coming up on Sunday, playing the Bit Saloon on May 24th with some excellent, excellent bands-- Sindios and Sod Hauler. But that's a few weeks off, and will get a proper show post in future.
(though it will probably be streamed as an mp3 once we're done, too, so all the vinyl-haters will get to hear it. It'll be on the new album, too, when we get a new album out)
That, and Michelle's currently booking Subcultural Awakening benefit shows, which also happen at the Josephine, on the first Saturday of every month. These shows are highlighting the Seattle underground... the kinds of bands that don't get massive hype in the normal channels, mostly because they don't sound like everything else. The Subcultural Awakening shows are benefits-- the bands play for free-- and the proceeds are split between paying for the venue and putting out a Subcultural Awakening comp, which will be released in the fall. ubik.s going to be on there, too: we're playing the last show of the season, August 1st.
Before then, we've got a show coming up on Sunday, playing the Bit Saloon on May 24th with some excellent, excellent bands-- Sindios and Sod Hauler. But that's a few weeks off, and will get a proper show post in future.
Friday, May 1
Well that was interesting
Next up, we're playing at the Josephine with two out of town bands and one local. Abiku from Baltimore, JonnyX and the Groadies from Portland, and Are You a Cat? from Seattle. It's all ages too, which we haven't done in a while. This is going to be a fun, strange show.
It looka lika dis:
The Josephine
JonnyX and the Groadies,
& Are You a Cat?
9:00 - All Ages!
-The guy that hits things with sticks
Sunday, April 26
Post Monkey-- we're at the Funhouse on Wednesday
ubik. @ The Funhouse
w/ Skwish,
& Fairies Wear Boots (Black Sabbath cover band)
9:30 - $3 - 21+
Tuesday, April 21
Saturday Show at the Monkey
ubik's up this weekend at the Monkey Pub, one of our favorite neighborhood haunts-- The Monkey is an excellent little place in the U-District where the drinks are cheap, and if you smoke, you can have a great time giggling at the spectacle across the street in front of Dantes. We're playing with Blicky, who are excellent (you may have seen them play with us before), and the whole thing is as much fun as a bar show can get. The show post looks like this:
Saturday, April 25
ubik. @ The Monkey Pub
w/ Blicky
9:00 - $5 - 21+
Friday, April 3
coming soon...
ubik.s usually in motion (we don't tend to do much resting) so there's plenty on our horizon-- we are about to head into the studio to get some recording done, which is pretty exciting. ubik.s planning to do a vinyl release: a split 10" with The Ever Changing Sky(who rule... we wouldn't split vinyl with just anybody). We're taping this weekend, so it'll be a little bit before mixed, mastered, and reproduced records are going to be available, but we'll keep you posted.
We will be laying down Cyclocosmia, which is the song that our patches are referencing. Patches and shirts (you know we have new shirts, right?) are available at shows, and speaking of shows...
Also, there's been a lot of booking in our world. This stuff is always available at our shows page, and this sort of thing is widgetable for quick reference.

The next one is at the Monkey on April 25th, and that's just the first of the batch.
We will be laying down Cyclocosmia, which is the song that our patches are referencing. Patches and shirts (you know we have new shirts, right?) are available at shows, and speaking of shows...
Also, there's been a lot of booking in our world. This stuff is always available at our shows page, and this sort of thing is widgetable for quick reference.
The next one is at the Monkey on April 25th, and that's just the first of the batch.
Tuesday, March 10
come see us Saturday
another show coming up, another show post for the world: we've got the opening slot at The Funhouse this Saturday (March 14) with Slave Traitor and Hellgrammite, and the crushingly dense Nine Worlds are in from Salt Lake City for this one (yay!)
We also have a new addition to our merch table-- ubik.s got shirts! (and you should definitely buy one)
March 14
ubik. @ The Funhouse
w/ Slave Traitor,
& Nine Worlds,
& Hellgrammite
9:00 - $6 - 21+
Tuesday, February 17
as promised
toldya there'd be more...
so we have locked down an opening slot for Nine Worlds' visit to seattle come March 14th, at The Funhouse, which is plenty exciting for plenty of reasons. First off, we dig Nine Worlds. Second, an opening slot means we're breaking with our Funhouse tradition of going on at around 12:30/12:45. Third, our friends in Slave Traitor are also on the bill (we've been trying to set up a show with those guys). Add Hellgrammite to the mix and this is looking like a really excellent show.
so we have locked down an opening slot for Nine Worlds' visit to seattle come March 14th, at The Funhouse, which is plenty exciting for plenty of reasons. First off, we dig Nine Worlds. Second, an opening slot means we're breaking with our Funhouse tradition of going on at around 12:30/12:45. Third, our friends in Slave Traitor are also on the bill (we've been trying to set up a show with those guys). Add Hellgrammite to the mix and this is looking like a really excellent show.
Nine Worlds,
Slave Traitor,
Thursday, February 5
Block, blocked
Well, that was a healthy block of shows, eh? Three in less than a week... I think we need a little break.
Much love and thanks to everyone who came out and backed us: everyone in Portland who hadn't seen us before, all of our friends down south who took care of us, all of the Seattle people who traveled south to show support... and tons of love to the die-hards who made it out on Wednesday (seriously-- you guys are core. Nobody goes out on Wednesdays)
And there's more to come. We'll have more set up soon, and we are working on getting some studio time, because it's about time for us to be recording again.
If you need to be in the loop, our mailing list signup is right here:

Much love and thanks to everyone who came out and backed us: everyone in Portland who hadn't seen us before, all of our friends down south who took care of us, all of the Seattle people who traveled south to show support... and tons of love to the die-hards who made it out on Wednesday (seriously-- you guys are core. Nobody goes out on Wednesdays)
And there's more to come. We'll have more set up soon, and we are working on getting some studio time, because it's about time for us to be recording again.
If you need to be in the loop, our mailing list signup is right here:
Sunday, February 1
Home in warm beds until we rock wednesday
Portland was fantastic-- much thanks to our awesome showmates and all of the J people that took care of us while we were down there (seriously: everyone's name starts with a J. They booked us, fed us, drank with us, gave us a place to sleep... Js one and all). We had a great time: it was our first Portland trip, and we're looking forward to going back.
And happy birthday Eric.
So now we have time to get some rest tomorrow, let the ubik.bassists wash their white shirts on Monday, head to Belltown on Tuesday (ubik. drinks in Belltown every tuesday night, at the Lava Lounge and/or Shortys... and you are all invited), and then go up to Capitol Hill on Wednesday night to play The Comet. We haven't played Seattle in a while, so you ought to come on down.
And happy birthday Eric.
February 4th
ubik. at Comet Tavern
w/ One Undone
& Breviamor (OR)
8:00 - 21+ - $5
Friday, January 30
Hello Portland!
While overplaying has presented a few drawbacks and led to us playing fewer shows, fewer shows have led to BIG GAPS in posts... which is its own problem. We are making the most of our time: ubik. now has patches, we're finalizing our T-shirt design (shirts soon, folks), and we're locking down our first ever cover song. So: time well spent.

But not to detract from the present: we're playing Portland this weekend, and however many Portland people we have really ought to attend, as we don't get down there very often. Or, ever. Seriously, this is our first trip.
So this is a repost of our show post... now with fliers.
January 30th
ubik. @ Slim's
w/ Mongoloid Village,
& Exit Collapse,
& Brown (of Tecumseh)
8:00 - 21+ - Free!
January 31st
ubik. @ The Know
w/ Order Of The Gash,
& 57 Octaves Below
7:00 - 21+ - $3
But not to detract from the present: we're playing Portland this weekend, and however many Portland people we have really ought to attend, as we don't get down there very often. Or, ever. Seriously, this is our first trip.
So this is a repost of our show post... now with fliers.
January 30th
ubik. @ Slim's
w/ Mongoloid Village,
& Exit Collapse,
& Brown (of Tecumseh)
8:00 - 21+ - Free!
January 31st
ubik. @ The Know
w/ Order Of The Gash,
& 57 Octaves Below
7:00 - 21+ - $3
Tuesday, January 6
Taking a weekend in Portland
Well, taking the zombies downtown for New Years Eve was a lot of fun-- lots of love to everyone who turned pasty and bleeding and took up the moaning hoard of a marching band through Seattle. Definitely one of our better celebrations.
next up, we're heading south. We're booked in Portland for Friday the 30th and Saturday the 31st (you know, making the most of our travel time). This is our first Portland trip, so any support our southern people can send our way would be awesome.
Here are the listings:
next up, we're heading south. We're booked in Portland for Friday the 30th and Saturday the 31st (you know, making the most of our travel time). This is our first Portland trip, so any support our southern people can send our way would be awesome.
Here are the listings:
January 30th
ubik. @ Slim's
w/ Mongoloid Village,
& Exit Collapse,
& Brown (of Tecumseh)
8:00 - 21+ - Free!
January 31st
ubik. @ The Know
w/ Order Of The Gash
8:00 - 21+ - $TBA
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